Books I Will Spend All My Money on in 2022 | New Releases I'm Looking Forward to
As the dust settles from all the craziness of the holiday season I am starting to look ahead to what this year has in store. There’s a lot I’m looking forward to this year! I’m in a job I actually like, working on a Master’s degree, and taking tangible steps towards my goals. These are all wonderful and fulfilling things but, if you know me you probably already know that I am almost equally excited for new books coming out. I read 66 books in 2021. If I'm really into a story I am the type to just shotgun it like a beer at a frat party, so I usually read at least a few books each month.
Anyway, as a full time student again I’m making it a goal of mine to read more library books. It’s a cheaper and more sustainable option! I don’t have the money or the shelf space to buy every book that catches my eye! These are the books that are most likely to make me blow my budget in the year of 2022. Many are sequels to books I’ve already read and loved, but others just happened to catch my eye when I stumbled upon them online. If this list makes you stumble upon more books you want to read and spend money on, I will not be held liable. Consider that a warning.
So there are the 9 books I’m going to spend all my money on in 2022. I’d make it a round 10 but I wanted to be genuine with the books I chose to include. Hopefully this post didn’t strain your budget too much!